domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

It is time for the vision to come alive

This week, I have developed on my directorial vision, narrowing it down to apply it to my the two chosen scenes/moments of the play. Thus, my starting point for my directorial vision regarding the structure,design and acting elements was my stimulus: a ticking bomb and my concept: Lies lead to self destruction. Therefore, for my first moment, I have chosen scene 7 from pg. 78 until pg. 83 "It is late afternoon in mid-september (...)she was always-flighty!" where Blanche has eventually lied to others. In this specific moment of scene 7, Blanche is bathing while Stanley is exposing her reality to Stella, her sister. and the other moment of the play I have chosen was in scene 10 from pg. to pg. .

to be continued...

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